Forum of Blame

Our world was built wrong. No one is blaming you (or anyone right now) - it is what it is. Life goes on. However, for our sake and for others who we may love (or just like), we could (should?) do something about it. Here is where we look at Cases that point out what we should be worried about and discuss how to deal with the wrongs in our world.
  • Forum of Blame
    Thoughts and examples that prove we are doing this wrong. No one is blaming you (yet) - it is what it is. Life goes on. However, for our sake and for others who we may love (or just like), we should pay attention to what is said here.
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  • Dis-Association
    If a Child commits a crime and a punishment must be given - the Parent will receive the punishment also! UNLESS they Dis-Associate with them first!

    No matter how much planning and desire and love and commitment one gives to the child they create, sometimes things just don't turn out right . . . sometimes things happen and a child is wired wrong. That is not the parents' fault nor should any force be blamed for such: That won't help the situation. However, maybe something someone says here - will! If not, the law in the future may allow us to Dis-Associate ourselves from our child. (THIS topic MAY not be one that is appreciated nor is it for the faint-of-heart.)
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  • WHO SHOULD WE BLAME? Point them out!
    What works and what doesn't? Someone has to plan for the future. We cannot keep going down the path we are. This is where we can STOP PARENTS FROM RAISING THEIR CHILDREN WRONG BEFORE THEY DO!
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