O-0014: Re-Association [29m36s]

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O-0014: Re-Association [29m36s]

Post by btcbtc »

Blame and Punish Podcast
Episode: O-0014
Posting date: 04/10/21

[This written episode was used as a guideline to the spoken one. To hear the exact words, find it at https://www.blameandpunish.com/podcasts ... ry/latest/.]

[Approximation of the above episode. For exact words, listen on our website.]


Hello, it is the week of April 5, 2021 and it is the 14th episode of the Blame and Punish podcast. My name is Bruce Carlson and we have to do these until the year 2050. I’m looking forward to doing them and hoping that we change the world for the good.

Before this podcast I met with a couple of people individually to speak with them about what I’m going to now talk about. I also met with a group of people to talk about the subject. The subject is Re-Association. It is the control of the premise that we make here in Blame and Punish. I’m going to use the word “control” cuz I want all “after crime” controls based on this standard.


The reason that I spoke to people before I did this podcast was because I wanted to be asked questions, I wanted to see if someone could poke a hole in what I was trying to present the people, I wanted to see if I have things at the tip of my tongue. As I found out, I did not have every answer at the tip of my tongue. I felt badly about that but realize that this was new to everyone – including me – so what I really had to do was make a decision on if I believed in this: and if I believed in it enough to try and have other people help me change the world with it.

I most certainly do believe in it and am going to do my best to get people to help me change the world with it! I believed in it before I brought this premise to the world but I want discussion, discussion, and more discussion. Everyone has to start discussing this.

I’m scared as I talk about these things because it is so different from the way that I have been brought up and, I believe, the way most people will want to be brought up. However, when you look at this objectively you immediately feel that everyone born should be brought up like this. You wouldn’t want to have had to bring up your children under these controls but you sure would want EVERYONE ELSE’S children brought up like this and there lies the crux of the problem – this cannot be a, “Do like I say, not like I do.”

AHA! AHA! But it can be! IT CAN BE!

If you don’t know what I am going to talk about yet – JUST REMEMBER: THIS DOESN’T START FOR THIRTY YEARS! THIRTY YEARS! You can live with that! OR, maybe die with that but that can be YOUR choice!

The premise of Blame and Punish is that all parents should be responsible for the child that they create for the rest of that child’s life. They most certainly should be responsible for the criminal actions of that child for the rest of their lives!

I know that people have said – and even said to me this past week – that there should come a time when a child is mature enough to go out on its own so that the parents are no longer responsible. That isn’t what the problem is. The problem stems from whenever that child does something wrong – especially if it is something like murdering someone – that child, whether bad or good, would not have been able to have done that if they had not been on this earth. The parents put that child on this earth. No one is going to argue with that. Two parents, a man and a woman, put that child on OUR earth. If that child had not been put on OUR earth, it could not have murdered someone: AND THAT SOMEONE MIGHT HAVE BEEN YOU OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE!!!

What does that have to do with a child growing mature enough to behave? If the child wouldn’t have been put on this earth, it doesn’t matter if the child became mature or not – the child wouldn’t be on this earth to kill someone.

Then you might say that I am making a ridiculous statement: Of course, the person could not have murdered if they had never been born but what does that have to do with anything? What you say is a ridiculous point is the only point that has to be made and agreed to – and once that point is made you cannot argue with the fact that if parents had put a child on this earth and that child had done something wrong – it could not have done anything wrong if it had not been born. The logic of the argument is so overwhelming that there cannot be an argument: without birth there can be no bad child.

Okay, let’s talk about it your way. Let’s say that we agree that the child is on this earth because the parents put it here. WE ALL HAVE TO AGREE WITH THAT! I will now bend to your way of thinking and say that the parents deserve a break from the child’s murdering ways (or criminal ways) at a certain point in life. Let’s say that when the child matures, or the child gets to be a certain age, or how about a certain size in body mass, or what about after they start to take on responsibility of their own, or how about if the child gets married so then the spouse can take over responsibility, or the ultimate responsibility – when that child has a child of their own?

Did I say something that covered your thoughts OR did one of those make sense to you and you figured that I lost my argument?

Okay, I’m still giving you the lead so let’s go over the things I just said.

Let’s say that when the child matures (rebuttal: who makes the determination that they have matured); or the child gets to be a certain age (rebuttal: are guys different than girls cuz we are stupider – and, right now, virtually every country has that rule already and all ages are different so I’m not arguing about age but who’s to say that age is correct (like maturity) and we want to be fair to everyone); or how about a certain size in body mass (rebuttal: this is sort of a joke cuz your brain isn’t exponentially better and bigger cuz you are BUT your brain can develop better if you are raised better); or what about after they start to take on responsibility of their own (rebuttal: let’s define responsibility – there are all different kinds, what about when they buy their first car, however, if they don’t want to drive – ever – can they kill whenever they want?); or how about if the child gets married so then the spouse can take over responsibility (rebuttal: let’s use the car answer – what if they never want to get married); or the ultimate responsibility – when that child has a child of their own (I know all of these arguments are ridiculous so let’s just say by the time they have a child – they may have already been made bad enough to screw it up).

SO, if all the rebuttals are ridiculous (but can make sense) . . . wouldn’t it just be easier IF they weren’t here on earth in the first place? If you bring a child onto this planet then DAMNIT, just raise it right!

So, what does this mean? What does it mean not to raise a child right? It means that a child is raised wrong if a child commits a crime. Specifically, at this time, we are speaking about a child who commits a heinous crime – such as murder.

The control of Blame and Punish, like I said, is Re-Association. Re-association will be defined as the parents, and a crime committing child, will be sentenced to time to re-acclimate themselves to living properly in society, in a confined situation, until rehabilitation, and then they will be released back into society.

We can be as funny as we want about this. We can make jokes. We can say things like, there’s no way I’d live with my child again now that I’m 65 years old and my child is 40. Well, let’s talk about a child who commits murder:

You can’t scare people into not committing crimes. As a matter fact, if you say to someone they cannot murder someone or they will be put to death, that person isn’t going to be stopped from murdering anyone. The thing with a murder is that it’s committed during two circumstances: the first one being that you have been hired, or ordered, to murder someone – as in the case of your job, such as in the case of you being a government agent, a corporate spy, or just a plain out for-hire assassin. Under those circumstances, part of the job is that if you get caught you will probably get killed and you accept that. Chances are that you are paid very well for what you do and you weigh in the odds of getting caught versus doing your job well. So, our first murderer has no concern about being caught and murder being a punishment.

The second way that people will commit murder is in the moment: they caught someone sleeping with their spouse and they were angry so they killed them, they caught someone stealing their property so they defended their property and they killed someone, they saved someone’s life who they loved who was being attacked. In those circumstances, there is no moment in their mind where they say, “Oh she’s dead if I don’t kill that person hurting her so I better save her and not worry about being put to death myself.” They are not going to think about not killing them and letting the person they love – die. They will react. Even in the case of catching a cheating spouse, it’s a reaction – no one thinks about what they’re doing in that moment of anger. Therefore, this murderer is not weighing the consequences of getting caught and getting punished so killing someone as punishment won’t help here either.

At the point that someone is disposed to kill, they already have made that decision to go forward. I am not saying that under the circumstances of certain types of killing that a person is bad or good but let’s look at the alternatives that I am trying to lay on the table. I am saying that in more cases than not when a child is raised wrong – and now we’ll start to talk about what wrong is – that a child could be more disposed to kill if they were brought up as an angry child. Their salvation could come in getting raised right, raised with love, raised to share and get along with others, raised so they would not have a skewed life to not care about other human beings. The truth is, the skewed child could be that person who was robbing someone cuz they didn’t have enough to eat cuz their parents were doing drugs instead of buying them food, or cheating with someone cuz they were never shown love of their own, or doing something wrong to agitate the person like teasing or berating someone cuz they were brought up by parents who beat them or yelled at them all of the time.

People can be bad. And they can do bad things. That being said, and probably agreed to by most people, who should we point back to? The parents! How many ways can we defend parents from bringing a bad person into this world? I would hope none.

But let’s move this along: what does this have to do with stopping murders.

If you raise a better person . . . crime, in general, may be cut down. If society has better people in it – there will be less crime. There will be less murders. I do not believe that anyone will disagree with the fact that good people have a tendency to live good lives. Why is it not up to the parents to make sure that children they bring into this world are taught good lives?

This is a sad day because it is just now a couple days after I saw a video on the news of a little boy who came across the Mexican border into the United States and was lost in the desert by himself and he approached a sheriff. This has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do a Blame and Punish, and it doesn’t have anything to do with murder – yet. If you lived in America, you probably saw this on the news. I will repeat it was very sad. This little boy, about eight years old, was walking down the dusty road and approached the sheriff’s car. The sheriff started recording with their telephone the video of the little boy talking. He was a cute little boy, and like I said, he was about eight years old. He was crying profusely and asking for help. He could only speak Spanish, so the border sheriff spoke to him in Spanish. The little boy was asking if he could please have some help because he was traveling with a group of migrants who were breaking into the United States but they abandoned him in the desert overnight. He didn’t know where to go, he didn’t know what to do. You could tell he was scared. He could not stop crying. I believe I heard that the sheriff started crying also. I started crying also. And I think most people who saw this started crying. This little boy was here all by himself, wandering around in the middle of the night walking up to someone and just saying that he needed help – and he did not know if he was going to be killed, beaten, or just left to die in the desert. This was just not acceptable.

Why did I bring this up? Because a few moments ago I was speaking about raising children correctly. This is one little boy who was trying to get to freedom in the United States. Yet over 350,000 children are born each day somewhere in the world. How many children, even if they are in big American cities, are raised like this little boy – in other words: not raised! I have seen wealthy parents not give a damn about how their children were raised – throwing money at them doesn’t mean Jack! How does a child grow up if they are not brought up through love? Do we honestly think that a little eight-year-old boy who was walking through the deserts avoiding scorpions and snakes, freezing, fearing noises of animals and humans who might kill him – will grow up happily?

You don’t have to be a psychiatrist or psychologist to understand that the emotion right before murdering someone is not happiness. If you are supposed to be happy throughout your day and you strive to do that: murder probably isn’t on your hourly schedule.

Don’t we have a right as we watch the news story of the little boy afraid to be upset with parents who brought someone into this world and let them wander half the world from where there were born to walk through the night in between scorpions and snakes and cry and starve? Don’t we have a right to say you didn’t raise your child right – that’s another human being – we have a right to state our opinion! It’s OUR world! Don’t we have a right to say to the parents who raised this little boy that they didn’t raise him right and if he does something wrong when he’s older: it’s their fault?

Whatever way you look at this, if a child is raised wrong – the child wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the parents.

Re-Association: if the child does something wrong, you take the parents and the child and you put them into a camp and you let them serve their punishment time together. No parents are going to want to do that, no child is going to want to do that, that is for sure! So, what’s accomplished? Maybe parents will think twice or 15 times before they have a child because they know regardless of how long that child is on earth, if it ever does something wrong, they, the parents will get punished for it. Do they want to take the chance that they will raise their child correctly so that they don’t get punished for it?

Let me give you an exact example of how a person who commits a murder and their parents will get punished once Re-Association is a part of our society:

Possible Scenario
Each of the parents in this example is 47 years old. A little while after they had one child together, they got divorced. The mother is not doing great financially – no real assets; the father remarried and owns a home worth $520K with a mortgage of $220K. He has two children through this marriage, not many more assets. The son of the original two parents is now age 27 and he commits bank robbery – no one was hurt. The son and both original parents are sentenced to a 14-year U.S. Federal sentence for a bank robbery which they will serve in a Re-Association Community. The robber’s birth-father is taken from his current family and both of his birth-parents will be living at the RAC with him for the next 14 years.

If they fall behind on their payments for costs at the RAC, the father’s home will be liquidated through an asset-forfeiture procedure. If his home was in both his and his new wife’s name, she will get 50% of the sale, otherwise, if only in his name, nothing will be left for the new wife and children. If the assets are not needed immediately, the RAC will place a lien on the house so if it is sold in the future, any monies from the sale owed the father will be taken and put into his Family Unit’s RAC bank account for future debts or left for him upon his release.

If any of the three family members refuse to move into the RAC with the other two, they will all be sent to The Hole for the 14 years BUT standard subsidy payments for The Hole must still be paid to the RAC, through asset forfeiture, which will be taken from the father’s assets if the son and his mother have none.

Hopeful Effect
As this structure is put into place and parents realize this is going to be the future, WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS, I would think parents will stop having children they think they could raise incorrectly! Also, would a person marry someone who already had a child from a previous marriage if there was a chance that child could cause a loss for the new union if they committed a crime?

Our book, Blame and Punish, explains all of this in detail in Chapter 22. And don’t think I am saying this to get you to buy the book – I don’t give one sh** about that. I am just not going to read that whole chapter here. I am sure I will keep on putting parts of it in our Forum. What is most important is that we get the basics down! The basics are that PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RAISING THEIR CHILDREN RIGHT AND THEY WILL GET PUNISHED WITH THE CHILDREN WHENEVER THE CHILDREN DO SOMETHING WRONG BECAUSE IT IS THE PARENTS’ FAULT THAT THEY ARE HERE ON EARTH SO THEREFORE IT IS THEIR FAULT IF THEY DO SOMETHING WRONG!

Pretty simple, if you ask me!!!

Now I know that no one is going to agree to this right now. No one is going to say that they are going to take responsibility for their children, at this time, because they didn’t know these were the rules. They are going to refuse to pass any laws to have this take place. And the truth is that it would be unfair to blame any parents differently than we have been for 300,000 years if this wasn’t explained upfront.

So, we will put off these rulings and laws for 30 years. We will let three generations of children get born before this goes into effect. We will make sure that anyone who is going to have a child 30 years from now knows that if they don’t raise that child right they are going down with that child also. No one is saying not to have a child, we are just saying to raise it right – and then the world will be a better place.

It is impossible to go through Re-Association conversations without them actually being a conversation so we are going to have to resort to classes at schools, town meetings, news panels, forums to write in, radio shows to listen to and call in, we will have to start speaking about this now and talk about it more and more each day until it’s all that we speak about because we have to change the way our society allows the creation of children and the throwing of them out into a desert without proper upbringing. If we don’t start now, eventually society will END from crime and murder and war and hatred and every other human element that could have been corrected during a child’s growth by parents who truly loved and gave their lives to raise their children right.

Please, start talking about Blame and Punish and Re-Association with anyone who will listen because the people who are going to suffer most are the people we are hoping will live in the future that we love. Let me just say – and I think you can agree – that they will not live in the future if our world keeps getting worse and worse in its violent ways . . . and that comes more and more if parents don’t start raising their children right.

That’s all for this week. I’ll talk at you next week.


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