Case 26 (from Chapter 15): Poor little girl killed

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Case 26 (from Chapter 15): Poor little girl killed

Post by btcbtc »

The death of a 7-year-old girl in a drive-by shooting in Houston was most likely a case of “mistaken identity” involving two suspects, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said Sunday.

Jazmine Barnes was riding in a car with her mother and sisters on December 30, when someone in another vehicle shot her in the head.

Eric Black Jr., 20, was arrested Saturday in a traffic stop for not using his turn signal. He is accused of driving the car used in Jazmine’s death, Gonzalez said in a news conference Sunday. He faces a charge of capital murder.

Prosecutors identified Larry Woodruffe as the second suspect during a court hearing Saturday morning, the Houston Chronicle reported.

The latest developments mark a turning point in a case that shocked the nation. At Sunday’s press conference, Gonzalez and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee said they hoped Jazmine’s death would lead to more discussions about gun violence prevention and race relations.

“This death of Jazmine has sparked a lot of discussion on many different levels and I think that it is good that going forward we continue to have positive dialogue on a number of issues,” Gonzalez said.<4>


4. “Prosecutors name the second suspect in Jazmine Barnes’ killing”
Holly Yan, Hollie Silverman: CNN, January 7, 2019.
Link: ... index.html (accessed February 21, 2019).

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