O-0017: There are only two sexes! [12m51s]

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O-0017: There are only two sexes! [12m51s]

Post by btcbtc »

Blame and Punish Podcast
Episode: O-0017
Posting date: 04/24/21

[This written episode was used as a guideline to the spoken one. To hear the exact words, find it at https://www.blameandpunish.com/podcasts ... ry/latest/.]

[Approximation of the above episode. For exact words, listen to the audio file. Sometimes they are substantially different.]

There are only two sexes!

Blame and Punish. The podcast. The week of April 26, 2021. This is the 17th week of 1,560 podcasts that I will be doing to talk about how we can save the world. This one may be very short.

I have been contacted by a number of people very angrily. Yes I have said some things that have talked about race or punishment or skewed senses of thoughts regarding humanity but the topic of being different – sexually – has seemed to upset more people than I would have expected to. That doesn't mean that I have to change anything about the way I am thinking, it just means that maybe I should explain it better because I hope that you understand why I talk about two people being parents: A male and female.

To bring this into a little highlight, there was a meeting in the state of Texas among government officials who were talking about transgender issues. One Democrat, James Talarico, said that there were several different genders of people – not just the two, a male and a female. He said there were six genders of people. He gave all type of information about the chromosomes being various offshoots of the standard X and Y chromosomes and he is Harvard educated. Around the country there is currently the question of who is a male and who is a female and it has to do a lot with sports and sports money being spent at schools on those children who identify themselves certain ways so they can compete against others of their same-sex and learn camaraderie and winning, and how to set goals and meet them, and to get exercise. It seems like Mr. Talarico took a lot of flak about saying that there were that many sexes because all he was doing was confusing the issue which was already very confused.

A lot of the confusion comes from someone who may have been born a male but who feels like they are female and they want to compete in female sports. They especially feel they should be able to compete in female sports if they have had a sex change operation and they now look like they are female. I am not fighting this battle here. I'm not even trying to state it so that it sounds like I'm fighting it. I don't care who you are and I don't care what you want to be – live your life your way. I think it's a very simple problem that can be solved, at least how it can be solved in our Blame and Punish community.

Anyway, back to this other problem. You have a situation where some people are saying that it is unfair that a person who was previously a male and who is bigger and stronger than the typical female should not be allowed to become a female – regardless of what their insides tell them they are. But wait, it's not really about the fact that they shouldn't be allowed to be a female: it's really about the fact they shouldn't be able to be in a boxing match with them so that the guy quote-unquote gets an unfair “bigger” advantage to beat up the girl; or that a team with six guys who became girls are playing football against 11 girls and they just run them over; or five basketball players who used to be guys play against five basketball players who always have been girls. I understand what the argument is. Maybe the way I'm saying it is too simplified. Maybe the way I'm saying it sounds like it's unfair. Once again, I'm not fighting this battle. And it is not that I'm afraid to fight it. I'll fight anybody about anything but I have to believe in it. Do I have a point of this battle that I believe in? Yes, I do. But it's not my battle at this particular time so I'm moving on.

Why am I moving on? It's very simple! And I don't care what education you have from what school, or what criminal Justice Department you work for, or what country you live in. You cannot disagree with me on my playing field with any brain of a human being inside your head and say that you are right! I have one simple premise that controls Blame and Punish!

That premise is that parents should be responsible for their children and their children's actions for their entire life because they put them on this earth. Whether you live together as parents and as a family unit is up to you! I have suggested that you stay together as a family unit but do what you want. Regardless of what your choices, though, you have no choice except to be responsible for your children's actions!!! If your children do something wrong, you're going down for it – with them!

What does that mean as far as a male and a female?

Very simply, this is how I tell if there are two sexes or six: a child is made with sperm and an egg – and you don't have to go to Harvard to learn that Mr. Talarico (at least I would hope you don't). I realize that this is a totally different discussion but instead of worrying about sports maybe you should worry about who the next person is in your political district that is going to get killed by someone else who wasn't raised properly by the two parents who put them on this earth! And those two parents were a male and a female! Maybe that is all anyone should be worrying about right now for the next three, five, 10, or 15 years! Maybe we should fix the basis of being alive before we worry about who's going to hit a baseball out of the park!

A male is someone who can produce sperm. A female is someone who can produce an egg. The birth of a child is the growth of that sperm and egg together to become a human being! Two people have to give each of their one parts (sperm or egg) to create a child. You create a child – then you're responsible for it! That is not hard!

I don't care if you've got a penis, or it's been cut off, or you want to sew a rubber one on! I don't care if you want to play sports, or you want to marry someone of the same XYZ or ABC sex letters! I don't care who you want to live with! I don't care if you want to live in a commune and all 50 people are all 50 people's partners! What I care about, and believe that we should all care about, is that if two people – the two different sexes, the male and the female – create a child, they should be responsible for raising that child right so it does not commit crimes!

And if it does commit crimes, then we, as society, as those who would like to keep living – and living peacefully – should stop it from happening right now! Make sure parents know that if they don't raise their child right and that child commits a crime, regardless of what age the crime is committed at, that parent is going down also – and we are not playing any games and there will be no legal tricks to absolving a parent! Yes, if there is a child raised and that is a “problem child” – and we understand that medically – then the government can help you raise them. But if you did this to yourself – brought a child into OUR WORLD and YOU (BOTH OF YOU) didn't raise it right – you are going down!

If you are a male and a female, the two sexes who can make a child, the only two sexes who can make a child, and you do this wrong – Blame and Punish you!

For us here at Blame and Punish, sex is real simple . . .

Good luck living! See you next week!


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