O-0009: Ain't got no Excuse for not having Contraception! [22m10s]

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O-0009: Ain't got no Excuse for not having Contraception! [22m10s]

Post by btcbtc »

Blame and Punish Podcast
Episode: O-0009
Posting date: 03/02/21

[This written episode was used as a guideline to the spoken one. To hear the exact words, find it at https://www.blameandpunish.com/podcasts ... ry/latest/.]

Ain't got no Excuse for not having Contraception!

Okay, here we go. Hi, this is Bruce Carlson. This is week 9 of the Blame and Punish[/b] Podcast. We are going to do this for 1,560 weeks. I hope I'm the one doing all 1,560 of them. We’ll see what happens.

I have to address an issue that was brought up to me in a conversation that was somewhat argumentative. That conversation covered my wanting to blame people for having children and raising them wrong. That's not actually the way the conversation went, though. The person who wanted to argue about this with me didn't disagree with the fact that if a person gave birth to a child that they should be responsible for raising the child right – nope, that wasn't it. They said that I said that if I was going to talk about a problem, I would have a solution for it: or at least I would have some solutions that I had thought of that could be talked about and weighed for its ability to be a good solution. Their argument with me was that I was saying that people should raise their children correctly while at the same time saying they can enjoy sex is much as they want. They're asking me how that could work.

They are beating the hell out of me saying that not everyone has contraception available to them. And if a person doesn't have contraception options then how can it be their fault if they have a child? Well, we're going to talk about that right now. We are also going to address the fact that maybe contraception wasn't as available in the past as it is now. I understand that. If you know what I am proposing then you know that the plans I have to Blame and Punish parents for their children's actions do not start until 30 years from now. That is so we can educate everyone and plan things to do this right and to give everyone the tools to live happily ever after.

Maybe, not having contraception is one of the things we should look at. Oh, yes, what's that argument about? Here is the crux of that argument: Why do you need contraception? Okay, let's start, I’m hoping you are going to be one of the people asking why we need contraception cuz I’m going to give you my answer about that.

The way I'm going to address this subject is to go through an article from the New York Times printed on February 20, 2021. I guess we are going to find out if I am allowed to read some of that article to the public without asking them for permission. But I'm willing to take my chances. If I get in trouble for this, I can assure you this will be the thing that was the least serious of anything I have ever gotten in trouble for in my whole life.

The article is titled, “Venezuelan Women Lose Access to Contraception, and Control of Their Lives.”

It is written by Julie Turkewitz and Isayen Herrera and to finish the credits there are photographs by Meredith Kohut. You will not be able to see the photographs in this podcast but you certainly are welcome to go to the New York Times to look at them. I will describe a few of them as we go along.

The first sentence of the article starts out as, “Affordable birth control has disappeared, pushing many women into unplanned pregnancies . . .”

Okay, now I have to comment. I just realized that I am not sure how I'm going to tell you that I'm not reading so I'll use the phrase, “This is me saying something.” Wow, this is really professional.

I am from the country in this world known as the United States of America. For some reason I have been led to believe that our country is looked at as being the wealthiest with the most freedoms. I have traveled to different places around the world – not as many as a lot of you – but enough to have seen different cultures and I can pretty much believe that Americans have it pretty good.

Since I am concerned about Blame and Punish as an American, and I look around our country to see what can be done, I absolutely worry about the whole world, though. We can travel from country to country in a matter of hours and we can bring everything bad and good with us as we travel. That can be disease, it can be bad actions, it can be the creation of children who are left behind, and I could go on and on about the bad things but being one world we have to also realize that the ability for every human on this planet to live work and enjoy life together makes this an amazing place! There’s not as much to do on Mars! As a matter of fact, I am thinking that most of the people listening to this realize they do not just interact with their own “kind” – and without being an ass, I'm going to put quotation marks around that word “kind” so you agree that our world is very close knit WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!

Another person asked me a week and half ago, when I had started to do this podcast, why I was talking about Venezuela. They reminded me, although I didn't need the reminding, that I lived in the United States. I could have answered them by saying that not everyone in the United States has as much contraception as they would like available to them but I didn't because I have a different answer of why I am speaking of Venezuela. Actually, the first part of this answer will be that the New York Times wrote about Venezuela in this article and not the United States, and I'm using it for this podcast. But the second and real reason for this answer will come at the very end of this podcast so hang in there.

Go with me on the Venezuela question and we’ll catch up at the end.

I want to start again but will go little bit quicker so we can get through this before the day is over. I'm going to start again just with that one sentence.

Here we go, “Affordable birth control has disappeared, pushing many women into unplanned pregnancies . . .”

Now it’s me talking: That's how the article starts it’s right under a picture showing a woman living in squalor with a couple of her children and then it says, “the moment Johanna Guzman, 25, discovered she was going to have her sixth child she began to sob, crushed by the idea of bringing another life into a nation in such decay.

“For years, as Venezuela spiraled deeper into an economic crisis, she and her husband had scoured clinics and pharmacies for any kind of birth control, usually in vain. They had a third child. A fourth. A fifth.

“Already Ms. Guzman was cooking meager dinners over a wood fire, washing clothing without soap, teaching lessons without paper. Already, she was stalked by a fear that she could not feed them all.

“And now, another child?

“’I felt like I was drowning,’ she said.”

Then there is a picture of Mrs. Guzman making a meal for her nine family members out of an egg plant and a single egg.

This is me speaking now. There is so much I want to say but I'll continue with another few paragraphs.

“As Venezuela enters its eighth year of economic crisis, deeply personal drama is playing out inside the home: Millions of women are no longer able to find or afford birth control, pushing many into unplanned pregnancies at a time when they can barely feed the children they already have.

“Around Caracas, the capital, a pack of three condoms cost $4.40 – three times Venezuela’s monthly minimum wage of $1.50.

“Birth control pills cost more than twice as much, roughly $11 a month, while an IUD, or intrauterine device, can cost more than $40 – more than 25 times the minimum wage. And that does not include a doctor's fee to have the device put in.

“With the cost of contraception so far out of reach, women are increasingly resorting to abortions, which are illegal and, in the worst cases, can cost them their lives.”

This is me speaking again. This is not why am in this argument. This is a cheap answer. But this is a fact: I don't care where you are from but if you are going to complain about having too many children and not enough money – you can do something about one of those: Stop having children! Oh, I better read some more. Now the New York Times:

“The situation is a major departure from what Venezuela's government once promised its women and girls. Hugo Chavez, the father of the country socialist–inspired revolution, declared that his government would grant women what others had not: full and equal participation in society.

“Mr. Chavez brought women into the halls of power and enshrined in the Constitution the right to decide freely how many children a couple wish to have. In a region where abortion is largely banned, he stopped short of legalizing the procedure. But birth control was subsidized and widely available.

“Mr. Chavez and his successor, Pres. Nicholas Maduro, publicly declared themselves to be feminists.

“But as Mr. Maduro's grip on the country has hardened into authoritarian rule, Venezuela's economy has collapsed under the weight of corruption, mismanagement, and American sanctions.

“The nation that was once Latin America's wealthiest is mired in a crisis economists have called the world's worst in decades, outside of war, with its population suffering from one runaway inflation and widespread hunger.

“And Venezuelas now face a health system so broken that it can no longer reliably provide basic contraception. Today, amid the collapse of the country's public health system, birth control is nearly absent from government clinics and available at private pharmacies only at prohibitive prices.”

We are now back to my voice without reading from the New York Times: Right after that last paragraph there is a picture of a young woman and man as they lay in bed holding each other, with clothes on, and the caption under the picture says that they are carefully planning their sex life around the number of condoms they can afford each month. I am so angry right now that I have to stop from screaming into your ear!!! We'll get to this at the end!

Continuing on about Venezuela's financial problems the article says, “The result has been life-changing for women, who shoulder the vast majority of childcare responsibilities, just as the crisis has greatly expanded the challenge of being a parent.

“Many women who grew up believing that Mr. Chavez’s political movement, known as Chavismo, would springboard them out of poverty, offering them education and career opportunities, now face the task of raising four, six, or 10 children at a time when the basics of family care – food, soap, diapers – arrive intermittently or not at all.”

Okay, let's go back to me. We started this talking about parents possibly not being blamed for having children and not being able to raise them right because they didn't have contraception options available to them. We can talk about people from the past who didn’t have contraception “readily” available or we can talk about people in Venezuela. Fine. Talk about anyone you want in any situation. I'm just going to read a little bit more this article and then not really comment about this next part because I'm just trying to make you feel bad about the poorness of this country and then you can think you should feel sorry for them. However, you are wrong! You should not feel sorry for them!!!

Continuing with the article the New York Times says: “Some couples began to ration or abstain from sex. Others tried to plan around a woman's menstrual cycle. But it didn't always work. Not everyone has a choice.

“As the crisis has sharpened, many women say that abuse has, too, making it difficult for them to say no to a partner or to leave a relationship.

“Ms. Goodman delivered her sixth child, in April, when the country was in the grip of the pandemic and her husband, a mechanic, had been out of work for weeks. When she arrived home from the hospital, there were only lentils in the pantry, she said, and all of her children were hungry. She lapsed into a depression and spent 20 days in bed.”

Okay it's me again and the rest of the article goes on talking about abortions, how their dangerous, and how people try to save up money and get medicines to go ahead and cause abortions on themselves and that's even more dangerous, and people are dying because they're having sex but are trying to kill the babies.

But I'm going to bring this back, right now, to what we’re really supposed to be talking about. I'm going to bring it back the fact that if a parent has a child they are supposed to be responsible for how it's raised. I could read this article from the New York Times or I can read 12 other ones from as many different newspapers, journals, reports, or I don't care where. The point is, if you have a child, you should be responsible for every action of that child until that child dies!


I don't care if you come from a broken country or a wealthy country. Oh, by the way, did I mention that the United States of America was supposed to be the wealthiest country in the world? If I did then I guess I'm talking about us. How dare I? Because even in America there isn't contraception for everyone. Even in America, there are children being born who aren't being raised right! So, let's take a look for a moment about Venezuela versus the United States of America.

In the United States of America, our country probably could make sure that people wanting to have sex had contraception available to them all the time. I would imagine that if America wanted to, you could have distribution boxes on every corner so you could just walk up to and grab something out of them. You could grab some condoms or some pills or liquid or some kind of IUD and go about your merry way. Yep, the United States has that much money. But Venezuela has something just as valuable – and it doesn't cost any money!!!

Don't you ever come at me and say that contraception is not equal around the world. Don't you ever come at me and say that I am being irrational in thinking that people can stop from having babies if they're having sex. Don't you ever come at me and tell me that I am wrong in saying to enjoy as much sex as you want because I am the one who is creating problems then if I'm telling people to have babies and there's no way for them to take care of them. Make sure you hear what I say!!! I am not saying to make babies – I am saying you can have sex!!! There is a difference!!! And it doesn't involve contraception you have to pay for!!!

I said at the beginning of this podcast that I was going to address the issue of different types of contraception, the different types of financial abilities to use contraception in various parts of the world, and how upset I was a couple of times when I saw that people were having babies and saying that their children couldn't be taken care of.

Don't you ever come at me and tell me that any single person in the world cannot get contraception!!!

You can argue about this all you want, all you want, all you want! I don't care what you say! You are wrong!!! I am right!!!

My wife and I have five amazing children!!! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS PLANNED!!! And we have never spent one single penny on contraception!

I'm not going to get personal here because it doesn't just involve me but it also involves my wife and she's not doing this podcast. I am! So I have to keep this about myself but I think you'll be able to read between the lines and make up a whole bunch of your own lines after I'm done speaking.

100% free and 100% it works that if you are having sex and you don’t want a baby right then – you can stop it from being conceived, FOR F’N FREE!!!

Before the sperm is released, all the guy has to do is take it out. Make sure the girl has an orgasm already if the guy is in control then the guy could have his orgasm right after that in a number of different ways. And if you want to argue with this – go to hell! Because you don't know what you're talking about – I do!!! And I've been having great sex, for over 50 years!!!

So, my real answer about why I chose to talk about Venezuela?



I ain't got no more this week. I am going to catch so much flak over the next week for having this podcast from so many different directions that it may truly be a miracle if I am back to do podcast number 10 next week. Until then, when we find out if I will be, stay safe and thank you for being here.


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