Week of 1/20/20 – Blog Post 0033: Utah boy, 16, kills mother and three siblings and tried to kill father.

The killer’s father had to wrestle the gun from his son after his son shot him.

From everything I read so far, it appeared this was a nice and happy family. Tooele County Attorney, Scott Broadhead, said the killer’s father said his son told him ” . . . that his mother and his other siblings were dead and that his intention was to kill everyone in the home except himself.”

As a father, I would not know how this would affect me for the rest of my life. If I thought I had raised my son properly – has this burden become mine? Was this my fault? Can I go on living?

I am not going to jump on the father right now but someday I hope we find out if there were any signs . . . any . . . that gave some indication this could happen. How could there not be?

Our point, in agreeing with my thoughts, is supposed to be that we are to also Blame and Punish the father for his son killing the rest of the family. I’m sorry, I cannot change that thought just because this happened and we are supposed to be grieving with the father right now.

I am not being cruel. I just want it known that something like this just can’t happen out of the blue. What were the signs? What did the parents do wrong? Who do we Blame and Punish?

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