Week of 2/24/20 – Blog Post 0049: Shoplifter decides to shoot a police officer so he can get away with a few dollars worth of stuff!

Shoplifters aren’t supposed to shoot anyone – they’re just supposed to steal!

I wrote a very similar fictional accounting of a shoplifting incident in our book and I was told by some people it was too vicious. I guess I could use a little more compassion when addressing some issues we write about BUT in this particular example I was right on!

There are absolutely some individuals who will kill for virtually any reason and under current societal conditions the odds far favor a person doing so because they were not raised right in a loving household.

For those wanna-be shoplifters, I understand there are some municipalities that will penalize you with harsh penalties (even jail time). In most cases, though, you can get caught stealing something and not get in a whole lot of trouble. However, if you want to get into a whole lot of trouble – that’s easy! Just shoot someone! Want to get in more trouble? Just shoot at the police!

Don’t be dumb! If you want to steal something, go to a town that doesn’t punish you much if you get caught and steal there! Then you won’t have to shoot anyone to get away and the world will be a better place!

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