Week of 3/2/20 – Blog Post 0052: This has NOTHING to do with not allowing guns! It’s just asking you to properly care for them!

Statistics show that 8 children a day are injured or killed by Family Fire – guns kept in a house they are in. I am not saying the guns are there illegally, I’m just saying they are there and UNINTENTIONALLY we have children getting shot with them!

The reason Miguel Sandoval is giving a video message above is because in his show on ABC, Station 19, a very young boy got his mother’s gun and shot and killed a person who was at his house. The little boy did not know it was a real, loaded weapon. Miguel gave the above public service announcement as the show ended.

I did not put this Post here to blame the child. Nor did I put it here to blame the mother. First of all, it was a TV show so it doesn’t mean Jack! BUT, it does. This happens every single day.

Second, though, IT WAS THE MOTHER’S FAULT!

I am not going to go into the episode’s detail. I don’t actually watch the show – my wife does. I happened to be passing the room where she was watching as the killing happened and it caught my attention. As the person died, the show ended and Miguel came on and I thought his announcement was sincere and worthwhile so I put it here. If you want to watch the episode, it is Season 3, Episode 2, titled, “Indoor Fireworks” of Station 19.

There may be nothing wrong with guns BUT this Post points out that there can be SOMETHING wrong with anything. It’s on us to make sure we live a safer life.

It’s on us.

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