Week of 1/11/21 – Blog Post 0072: Sometimes ya just gotta kill some people . . . and when that happens: ALL of the times we just have to Punish the Parents!

I’m not trying to be funny: I’m just trying to get you to understand!

Here’s a guy who we know is gonna go off the deep end cuz he starts posting whacky stuff on the Internet. Then he starts driving from one end of Chicago to the other shooting people at random. (Here’s a good beginning to the story by the AP.)

He had actually been posting things to the Internet for a couple of years that were questionable but let’s just accept the fact that everyone missed that. I am not sure what country you are in if you are reading this but I am not trying to get anyone to spy on anyone . . .


YOU are the nutjob’s parents!

I won’t call it spying in that case, though, I will call it YOUR RESPONSIBLITY!

I hope everyone begins to realize that there are NUTJOBS out there and one of them CAN KILL US!

If there was no one in the world who knew that they were a nutjob then too bad for us cuz we might be dead! BUT, But, but . . . the parents brought them into this world and NOW we MIGHT be dead!!!

Don’t you or doesn’t your loved one – deserve better than that?

When can we start blaming the real murderers on our planet???

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