Week of 4/12/21 – Blog Post 0099: How many people are in the Chain of Blame when a 3-year-old kills someone?

A new look is warranted. We are constantly learning.

I have said that we send the parents of the child committing the crime to Re-Association with the parents. That would work well in the case of a 15-year-old, a 28-year-old, or a 40-year-old.

Somehow I think there is something missing in the chain, though, if the child is 3-years-old.

That is what happened here. It is believed that of the four adults in the apartment at the time a 3-year-old shot his 8-month-old brother, that one of the adults had left the gun out for the 8-year-old to play with it and that is how the baby got killed.

I do not believe that sending a 3-year-old to prison (or Re-Association for that matter) is going to allow the child to grow up better. In this particular case, and now I have to begin to think about how many alternative situations there can be, it has to be decided who the actual murderers are.

This certainly WAS NOT an accident!!! The adults killed this baby!

You do not leave a loaded gun around so a baby can get killed! This is on them!


I’m not having a problem figuring that out: What I am trying to figure out is which one (or ones) of the four adults there AND THEIR PARENTS should be going to Re-Association?!?

And, remember, we aren’t trying to put anyone in prison – or in Re-Association – as a matter of fact, this doesn’t start for 30 years anyway! We are hoping within thirty years, NO ONE WANTS TO GO TO RE-ASSOCIATION!

In the meantime, we will have to build our evidence to go forward with saving the future our way by highlighting murderers like the adults who were responsible here!

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