Case 24 (from Chapter 15): Lisa Borch

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Case 24 (from Chapter 15): Lisa Borch

Post by btcbtc »

Danish 15-year-old Lisa Borch murdered her mother in October of last year after watching YouTube videos of ISIS beheading British hostages and now she’s going to jail for it.

Borch and Iraq-born boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, stabbed Tina Römer Holtegaard [Lisa’s mom] at least 20 times with a long blade kitchen knife in their home in Kvissel, Denmark. Borch became obsessed with militant Islam after falling in love with a Muslim man who left her, then she met Abdulla at a nearby refugee center. The two had plans to flee to Syria to fight for ISIS.<2>


2. “Teen Stabs Her Mom to Death After Watching Hours of ISIS Videos”
Debbie Encalada. Complex Media: September 15, 2015.
Link: ... 15879.html (accessed February 20, 2019).

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