Week of 11/18/19 – Blog Post 0011: I’m throwing this into the mix for your reading pleasure.

CLICK above to visit their website.
FIRST: I am not saying I am endorsing the above website (yet)!!!
Make sure you understand that!!!

The reason I said I am not endorsing the above website is because I haven’t had a chance to look at how it presents information yet. If they tie violence to guns then we will not get along and I will have to use my voice to deal with them later: once I get a base. In our book I wrote a chapter, “GUNS, Guns, and more guns!” That is my position. But I wanted a filler this week cuz I only posted one news story.

SECOND: I am showing you an article you can read at DailyMail.com but I don’t want you to think that it is as “Enquirer-y” as it looks. DailyMail does have that “Enquirer” feel to it but it is real news. You do have to put up with a lot of ads and side stories, though.

In this article (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7706299/Researchers-reveal-four-commonalities-mass-shooters-1966-including-access-firearm.html) the point being made is that there are four things that tie mass murderers have I common:

1. Trauma: Mass shooters have experienced childhood trauma and exposure to violence at a young age.
2. Crisis: Mass shooters reach an identifiable crisis point becoming angry, despondent, and suicidal.
3. Script: Mass shooters study other mass shooters to find validation for their method and motive to kill.
4: Access: Once mass shooters commit to their plan, they need access to people, places, and firearms.

THIRD: Like I sort of alluded to up above, I don’t really like that mass murderers were pinned to “firearms” as in the above sentence – but we’ll address that a lot, lot more at a later time.

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