Week of 12/16/19 – Blog Post 0020: U.N. Peacekeepers in Haiti said to have fathered hundreds of children.

Should people who are doing something good be given a free pass to do something bad?

Who gives anyone the right to create a child and then leave it?


Every single time YOU allow someone to have a child and not raise it right – you give the world the right to destroy you, and the rest of us!!!

Just remember: “You have NO right to ever feel bad that you were robbed, your wife was raped, your daughter was stabbed, or your son was shot UNLESS you are doing something to make sure that children are not born to people who shouldn’t be having them!!!”

It makes no difference where this happens in the world! NO ONE should be having a child unless they are going to raise it properly!!! This HAS TO STOP! NOW!! AND YOU HAVE TO HELP STOP IT!!!

You have a voice, don’t you? Oh, sorry, you are a mute? Okay, you can type, can’t you? Oh, sorry, you’re a paraplegic? Well, how do you communicate?!?

If you don’t . . . you’re excused!

If you can: OPEN YOUR F’N MOUTH!

And don’t think I’m not doing my part! The book being written, this website being taken care of, the abuse I am getting because of all of this, the hours I have to put in to keep this going ALL are my part to try and help ME AND MINE and YOU AND YOURS stay alive because of people like those in this News Post!

No child should be born without the parents being registered! We discuss this in our book, in the Blame and Punish Forum, and through your lips that form words and are spoken (or typed).



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