Week of 4/13/20 – Blog Post 0061: 15-year-old girl commits suicide because she has to stay in under COVID-19 orders.

15 is not old enough to be smart enough. How old were the parents?

This isn’t about what happened. (Well, it is but you will see what I mean in a moment.)

I would like to say that I am sure the mother (parents, if there are two) feel terrible that their daughter committed suicide. After all, she shouldn’t have just because she had to stay in the house a few weeks. She must have REALLY not wanted to be with her parent(s)! So, if the parents feel terrible – why am I writing about this?

Because it is NOT good enough that they feel terrible! They should be responsible for her death! HOW DID THEY RAISE HER?!? How come you have a right to feel terrible when your daughter doesn’t? How can she feel terrible: SHES’S DEAD!

Please, don’t have children if you aren’t going to give your life to raise them right!!!

So, this isn’t about what happened – it’s about what may happen in the future if we don’t change our birthing and raising ways!!!

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